Accounting Convention: Definition, Methods, and Applications

Comparison of past and present statements and reports, use of ratio analysis and trend analysis are the different tools of analysis and interpretation. Accounting information is not without personal influence or bias of the accountant. In measuring income, accountant has a choice between different methods of inventory valuation, deprecation methods, treatment of capital and revenue items etc. Hence, due to the lack of objectivity income arrived at may not be correct in certain cases. Interested parties like owners, creditors, management, employees, customers, government, etc. are interested in accounting information.

The term “accounting concept” refers to the fundamental presumptions on which the preparation of the financial accounts of an organisation engaged in business is based. They serve as a basis for developing various techniques and processes for documenting and presenting the transactions involving the company’s activity. For a business, disclosure of information, such as encumbered assets tends to be a full disclosure. Another example of full disclosure of information by a business is letting the stakeholders know the reason for changing the application of accounting principles or methods.

What are accounting conventions?

The financial statements of most companies are audited annually by an external CPA firm. Under the matching concept, the expenses related to revenue should be recognized in the same period in which the revenue was recognized. Many small businesses start out with cash basis accounting, but accrual basis financial statements give you a much better understanding of your business’s financial position. Plus, generally accepted accounting principles, also known as GAAP, require public companies to use accrual accounting.

These are the set of basic rules, laws, regulations, and assumptions which are kept in mind when entering a transaction in accounts books. Experienced accountants keep the entire accounts rule in mind when preparing an accounts book. Trade creditors, bankers and other lending institutions would like to be satisfied that they will be paid on time. Banks and other lending agencies rely heavily upon accounting statements for determining the acceptability of a loan application. As per this concept, only those transactions are recorded in books of account which can be measured in terms of money.

  • Accounting convention is a practice that all accounting people use to calculate and record all financial transactions.
  • Financial scams and frauds in accounting practices have drawn attention of the users of the accounting information supplied by business enterprises.
  • Expenses should be recognized in the same period in which related revenues are recognized.
  • As she is a sole trader (ie her business is unincorporated), there are some important legal points to be noted.
  • Accounting methods are applied to evaluate the human resources in money terms so that the society might judge the total work of the business enterprises including, its non-human assets.

Accounting conventions, also known as doctrine, are known to be principles that act as restrictions regarding organisational transactions that are unclear or complicated. Even though accounting conventions do not act as legally binding, these are considered generally accepted principles helping to maintain consistency within the financial statements of a company. For example, the plant and machinery was purchased by a company of Rs. 10 lakhs and its life span is 10 years. According to the Going concept, every year some amount of assets purchased by the business will be represented as an expense and the balance amount will be shown as an asset in the books of accounts. Similarly, expenses are recognized at the time services are provided, irrespective of the fact that cash paid for these services are made.

This might mean allocating costs over more than one accounting or reporting period. As you may also recall, GAAP are the concepts, standards, and rules that guide the preparation and presentation of financial statements. If US accounting rules are followed, the accounting rules are called US GAAP. International accounting rules are called International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Publicly traded companies (those that offer their shares for sale on exchanges in the United States) have the reporting of their financial operations regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Accounting principles are defined rules that ensure businesses follow the same financial practices.

Accounting concepts definition

Once on the debit side and secondly on the credit side; the dual aspect concept is very important because it helps balance the accounting books. The business entity concept assumes that business owners are completely separate entities from the business. The accounting books are kept separated from the books of the business owners.

Is there any other context you can provide?

For example, the going concern notion believes that a firm will continue to exist indefinitely. This assumption enables financial statements to be prepared with a long-term perspective, allowing for meaningful comparisons over numerous accounting periods. This concept assumes that the organization and business owners are two independent entities. Hence, the business translation and personal transaction of its owner are different.

Methods of Accounting

Accounting is very useful in the determination of the profit and loss of a business and showing the financial position of the business. In large business organizations and in corporations, there is a separation of ownership and management functions. The management of such business are more concerned with the accounting information because they are answerable to the owners.


If any cost continuously changes, suppose due to a change in market prices, it will be difficult for the bookkeeper to show them in the books. Journal is the first book of original entry in which all transactions are recorded event-wise and date-wise and presents a historical record of all monetary transactions. It may further be divided into sub-journals as well which are also known subsidiary books. In accounting, only those transactions, which have monetary value, are recorded. And those transactions which do not have financial value whether those are important in business are not recorded in the accounting.

Sometimes, there is not a definitive guideline in the accounting standards that govern a specific situation. The matching accounting concept denotes the expenses and revenues incurred in a business to earn revenue, which must belong to the same accounting or financial year. Once your business revenue is realised, you need to assign them in their relevant accounting year. Comparing various entities in a meaningful way is made possible by uniform accounting rules. This comparability is essential for investors, analysts, and other stakeholders looking to assess the financial standing and performance of different companies.

In addition to statutory requirements, good accounting practice requires that all material information be disclosed fully and fairly in the financial statements. In accounting statements, all information of material interest to owners, creditors, and investors should be disclosed. This convention is gaining importance as the majority of large business units are organised as joint-stock companies in which ownership and management are separated. Accounting norms are critical in dealing with various entities in the financial environment. These conventions guarantee that companies, regardless of their type of business, adopt standardised practices for documenting financial transactions by setting consistent criteria.

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